Section 60-2A-14 - Suspension; revocation of licenses. (Repealed effective July 1, 2012.)

60-2A-14. Suspension; revocation of licenses. (Repealed effective July 1, 2012.)

A.     The commission may suspend or revoke any license when in its judgment the licensee:   

(1)     participated in any sham or fake professional contest;   

(2)     is guilty of a failure to give his best efforts in a professional contest;   

(3)     is guilty of any foul or unsportsmanlike conduct in connection with a professional contest; or   

(4)     is guilty of participating in an event while under the influence of illegal drugs.   

B.     Before revocation of a license, the commission shall afford the licensee opportunity for a hearing, and upon request of the licensee and after reasonable notice, the commission shall conduct a hearing on the revocation, permitting the licensee to appear personally and by counsel, introduce evidence and examine and cross-examine witnesses.   

C.     A majority vote of the members of the commission is required to revoke a license.  The commission shall file a written report of its findings, determinations and order with the record of the proceedings and shall send a copy thereof to the licensee.