Section 40-4C-3 - Definitions.
40-4C-3. Definitions.
As used in the Mandatory Medical Support Act:
A. "cash medical support" means an amount ordered to be paid toward the cost of health insurance provided by a public entity or by another parent through employment or otherwise, or for other medical costs not covered by insurance;
B. "court" means any district court ordering support by a medical support obligor;
C. "department" means the human services department;
D. "employer" means an individual, organization, agency, business or corporation hiring a medical support obligor for pay;
E. "health insurance coverage" means those coverages generally associated with a medical plan of benefits, which may include dental insurance, but not including medicaid coverage authorized by Title 19 of the Social Security Act and administered by the department;
F. "insurer" means an employment-related or other group health care insurance plan, a health maintenance organization, a nonprofit health care plan or other type of health care insurance plan under which medical or dental services are provided, regardless of service delivery mechanism;
G. "medical support obligee" means a person to whom a duty of medical support is owed or a person, including the department, who has commenced a proceeding for enforcement of a duty to provide health support for each minor child or for registration of a support order that includes a provision for such support for each minor child;
H. "medical support obligor" means a person owing a duty to provide health support or against whom a proceeding for the enforcement of such a duty of support is commenced or for registration of a support order that includes provisions for such support for each minor child;
I. "minor child" means a child younger than eighteen years of age who has not been emancipated; and
J. "national medical support notice" means a notice to an employer that an employee's child must be covered by the employment-related group health and dental care insurance plan pursuant to a court order.