Section 4-14-2 - Changes in western boundary.

4-14-2. [Changes in western boundary.]

That townships eight (8), nine (9) and ten (10) south of the base line in ranges six (6), seven (7) and eight (8) east of the New Mexico principal meridian be and the same are hereby attached to and shall hereafter constitute a part of Lincoln county: provided, that the line between Socorro and Lincoln counties shall be changed so as to run as follows:   

beginning at a point where the present westerly county line between Socorro and Lincoln counties intersects the first standard parallel south, thence running east along said first standard parallel to the southeast corner of section thirty-one (31) in township five (5) south of range ten (10) east; thence north along the section line to the base line, and the same shall constitute the line between said Socorro and Lincoln counties north of said first standard parallel.