Section 36-1-26 - Director; duties.

36-1-26. Director; duties.

The director of the administrative office of the district attorneys shall, under the supervision of the elected or appointed district attorneys:   

A.     assist in the preparation and presentation of fiscal and budgetary matters to the department of finance and administration, the legislative finance committee and the legislature;   

B.     prepare personnel pay plans and develop a comprehensive data base on case management;   

C.     prepare and distribute uniform forms and procedures manuals and develop uniform systems for use by district attorneys' offices with respect to administrative, personnel and budgetary matters;   

D.     prepare and distribute forms and procedures for the establishment of a uniform worthless check program;   

E.     prepare, update and distribute a district attorneys' trial manual;   

F.     prepare and conduct training and education programs for district attorneys;   

G.     prosecute conflict of interest and other cases at the request of an elected or appointed district attorney;   

H.     submit an annual report to the department of finance and administration and the legislative finance committee detailing the activities of the office and statistical and other data relating to all district attorneys' offices; and   

I.     perform such other duties in furtherance of the administration of justice and the administration of the business of the district attorneys as directed by the elected or appointed district attorneys.