Section 3-7-9 - Annexation; arbitration; selection of seventh member; procedure; qualifications.
3-7-9. Annexation; arbitration; selection of seventh member; procedure; qualifications.
A. Within five days after the board of county commissioners has canvassed the results of the election required in Section 3-7-7 NMSA 1978, the members of the board of arbitration shall meet and select a seventh or neutral member of the board of arbitration. He shall be a qualified elector of the county and the owner of real property in the county but shall reside outside the boundary of the municipality and the territory proposed to be annexed.
B. If within five days after the board of county commissioners has canvassed the results of the election required in Section 3-7-7 NMSA 1978, the six members of the board of arbitration fail to select by a two-thirds vote the seventh or neutral member, the board of arbitration shall certify to the district court its failure to select the seventh member. Within ten days after the certification by the board of arbitration of its failure to select a seventh member, the district court in which the county lies shall appoint the seventh member who shall possess the qualifications required in this section.