Section 29-2-18 - State police chief and other members; powers and duties.

29-2-18. State police chief and other members; powers and duties.

The chief and other members of the New Mexico state police, who, when duly commissioned and sworn under the provisions of Sections 29-2-1 through 29-2-29 NMSA 1978, shall have the following powers and shall perform the following duties:   

A.     they shall be conservators of the peace within the state, with full power to apprehend, arrest and bring before the proper court all law violators within the state;   

B.     they shall be ex officio deputies and agents of all the officers and departments of the taxation and revenue department and of the officers and departments within the state charged with the registration of motor vehicles, the issuance of licenses to operators of motor vehicles, and of the officers and departments of the state charged with the regulation and control of motor vehicles operated upon the public highways for hire in the transportation of either passengers or property;   

C.     they shall be charged with the enforcement of all laws of New Mexico regulating the use of highways; and   

D.     upon request of any officer or agency of the state, charged with the duty of enforcing any law of the state, made to the New Mexico state police board, one or more members of the New Mexico state police may be temporarily designated specifically to enforce the provisions of such law.