Section 28-16A-7 - Assessment of needs of persons with developmental disabilities.

28-16A-7. Assessment of needs of persons with developmental disabilities.

A.     In order to comply with the provisions of 42 U.S.C. Section 6067, the developmental disabilities planning council shall conduct a needs assessment of persons with developmental disabilities to determine:   

(1)     the number residing in New Mexico;   

(2)     the range and degree of severity of their disabilities;   

(3)     the present placement and support and services being received; and   

(4)     the needs for support and services and the extent that their needs are unserved or underserved.   

B.     The findings of the assessment shall be included in the state plan for developmental disabilities services and support.  The assessment shall be repeated at least every two years, with a summary of the findings distributed to relevant organizations, programs and agencies in the state.