Section 28-16A-4 - Developmental disabilities planning council; creation; membership; terms.

28-16A-4. Developmental disabilities planning council; creation; membership; terms.

A.     The "developmental disabilities planning council" is created in accordance with the federal Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act.  The developmental disabilities planning council shall be an adjunct agency as provided in the Executive Reorganization Act [9-1-1 to 9-1-10 NMSA 1978].   

B.     The developmental disabilities planning council shall consist of no fewer than eighteen members, at least half of whom shall be persons with developmental disabilities or parents, immediate relatives or legal guardians of persons with developmental disabilities. The developmental disabilities planning council shall include:   

(1)     the secretary of health, or his designee;   

(2)     the secretary of human services, or his designee;   

(3)     the secretary of children, youth and families, or his designee;   

(4)     the director of the state agency on aging, or his designee;   

(5)     two directors from the state department of public education, including the vocational rehabilitation division;   

(6)     the director of the state protection and advocacy system established pursuant to the federal Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act;   

(7)     representatives of institutions of post-secondary education;   

(8)     representatives of each program established within institutions of post-secondary education, pursuant to the federal Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act; and   

(9)     representatives of local government agencies, nongovernment agencies or nonprofit groups concerned with services to persons with developmental disabilities, including a service provider.   

C.     Members, except for ex-officio members, shall be appointed by the governor for terms of three years.