Section 24-1-17 - Inspectorial search by consent.
24-1-17. Inspectorial search by consent.
A. Within the scope of his authority with respect to the places to be inspected and the purpose for which inspection is to be carried out, an inspection officer may conduct an inspectorial search, with the voluntary consent of an occupant or custodian of the premises or vehicles to be inspected, who reasonably appears to the inspection officer to be in control of the places to be inspected or otherwise authorized to give such consent.
B. Before requesting consent for an inspectorial search, the inspection officer shall inform the person to whom the request is directed of the authority under and purposes for which the inspection is to be made and shall, upon demand, exhibit a badge or document evidencing his authority to make such inspections.
C. Inspections undertaken pursuant to this section shall be carried out with due regard for the convenience and privacy of the occupants, and during the daytime unless, because of the nature of the premises, the convenience of the occupants or other circumstances, there is a reasonable basis for carrying out the inspection at night.
D. Except in accordance with the provisions of the subsequent subsection adequate notice of the time and purpose of an inspection shall be sent to the occupants or custodians of premises or vehicles to be inspected not less than seven days before the inspection is undertaken.
E. The notice required by the preceding subsection may be dispensed with if, because of the nature of the inspection to be undertaken, the conduct of the occupants, or other circumstances, there is a reasonable basis for belief that such notice would obstruct, or seriously diminish the utility, of the inspection in question.