Section 22-9-14 - Promulgation of standards and procedures; sale of obligations; purposes for which payments may be used.

22-9-14. [Promulgation of standards and procedures; sale of obligations; purposes for which payments may be used.]

Said superintendent [secretary] shall, as required or necessary for such eligibility, set forth and promulgate standards and procedures, conforming to federal requirements, for determining eligibility of local educational agencies for payment under such federal legislation, and the amounts thereof, and the need for the facilities to be constructed, which standards and procedures shall provide reasonable assurance that:   

A.     such payments will be made only if, and to the extent, necessary to enable any local educational agency:   

(1)     to sell to the federal government or such agency as may be designated for such purpose obligation [obligations] in the amounts needed by such agency to construct the school facilities with respect to which the payments are made; or   

(2)     if such agency is legally unable to sell such obligations, to rent such facilities from a state school-building agency at rentals which the federal government or its designated agent determines to be comparable to those charged by state school-building agencies pursuant to agreements with the federal government or its designated agent; and,   

B.     such payments will be made only with respect to the construction of school facilities needed to relieve or prevent extreme overcrowding, double shifts or unhealthful or hazardous conditions.