Section 22-8-24 - Instructional staff training and experience index; definitions; factors; calculations.

22-8-24. Instructional staff training and experience index; definitions; factors; calculations.

A.     For the purpose of calculating the instructional staff training and experience index, the following definitions and limitations shall apply:   

(1)     "instructional staff" means the personnel assigned to the instructional program of the school district, excluding principals, substitute teachers, instructional aides, secretaries and clerks;   

(2)     the number of instructional staff to be counted in calculating the instructional staff training and experience index is the actual number of full-time equivalent instructional staff on the October payroll;   

(3)     the number of years of experience to be used in calculating the instructional staff training and experience index is that number of years of experience allowed for salary increment purposes on the salary schedule of the school district; and   

(4)     the academic degree and additional credit hours to be used in calculating the instructional staff training and experience index is the degree and additional semester credit hours allowed for salary increment purposes on the salary schedule of the school district.   

B.     The factors for each classification of academic training by years of experience are provided in the following table:   

  Years of Experience  =======================================================================  Academic   Classification 0