Section 21-13-22 - Transportation system.
21-13-22. Transportation system.
When in the judgment of the community college board of an established community college the educational services of the community college can be extended to a number of students who should be served by the community college by the establishment of a transportation system, the community college board may do so through the use of maintenance funds from the annual tax levy. The community college transportation system shall be limited to nonstop bus routes between outlying population centers within the community college district and the community college. Provided that, other laws to the contrary notwithstanding, local school boards within the community college district shall allow community college students to ride on public school buses over established routes upon payment by the community college for the cost of such services, and provided further that the local school boards within the community college district shall make every effort to schedule their bus routes and times in such manner that they accommodate the community college students. Students who use community college or public school bus facilities may be charged such fees as the community college board deems reasonable. In lieu of providing any college-owned or operated transportation, the community college board may make agreements with local school boards for the transportation of community college students to and from the community college campus. The community college board shall make payments to the local school fund for any transportation.