Section 20-8-6 - State armory board building and improvement bonds.

20-8-6. State armory board building and improvement bonds.

A.     For the purpose of erecting, altering, improving, furnishing and equipping any necessary buildings or structures or acquiring any necessary lands, as provided by Chapter 20, Article 8 NMSA 1978, the state armory board is authorized to borrow money as provided in this section.   

B.     Whenever the state armory board, by the affirmative vote of the majority of its members duly entered in the minutes of the board, determines by resolution that it is necessary to acquire, construct, replace, repair, alter, improve, furnish or equip any armory and the resolution has been submitted to and approved by the state board of finance, the state armory board is empowered and authorized to issue and sell state armory board building and improvement bonds subject to the terms of Chapter 20, Article 8 NMSA 1978.   

C.     The bonds shall be in such form and denominations as the state armory board shall determine, due and payable not later than twenty years from date of issue. The bonds shall be payable in consecutive order commencing not later than two years from date of issue.   

D.     The bonds may be sold at public or private sale at the discretion of the state armory board; provided, however, that no sale shall be made for less than the par value of the bonds plus accrued interest from the last preceding interest date to the date of delivery of the bonds. Before delivery of the bonds to the purchaser, all matured interest coupons shall be detached and canceled. The state treasurer may, with the approval of the state board of finance and other officials whose approval may be required by law for the investment of public funds, purchase the bonds at par and accrued interest to date of delivery of the investment.  The bonds may be accepted at their par value by all public officials in this state as security for the repayment of all deposits of public money of this state, or of any county, municipality or public institution thereof, and as security for the faithful performance of any obligations or duty, to guarantee the performance of which the officials are authorized by law to accept a deposit of the bonds of this state or of the United States.   

E.     Proceeds from the sale of the bonds shall be paid to the state treasurer and shall be placed by the state treasurer in a separate fund to be known as the "state armory board building and improvement fund".  This fund shall be used and paid out only for the specific purposes in Chapter 20, Article 8 NMSA 1978 upon order of the state armory board or upon vouchers signed by the secretary-treasurer of the board and paid out upon warrants issued by the secretary of finance and administration, except such portion thereof as may have been received on account of accrued interest on the bonds to date of delivery, which amount shall be placed in the "state armory board interest and retirement fund" for the liquidation of the bonds as provided in Chapter 20, Article 8 NMSA 1978. The cost of preparing, advertising and selling bonds, including any necessary expense for legal opinions thereon, shall be paid out of the proceeds of the sale of the bonds.   

F.     Upon issuance of these bonds by the state armory board, the state treasurer shall establish, for the payment of the principal and interest thereof, a fund to be known as the "state armory board interest and retirement fund", into which fund the state armory board shall cause to be placed a sum not less than the amount necessary to pay the interest and maturing principal of the bonds for the ensuing twelve months and annually thereafter shall continue to place in the fund a sufficient amount to pay principal and interest maturing in the succeeding twelve months.   

G.     For the faithful and prompt payment of all interest and principal of these bonds as and when they shall mature according to the tenor thereof, the issue thereof shall constitute an irrevocable pledge by the state armory board of so much of each year's income from the buildings, lands and properties under the control of the board, in the hands of the state treasurer or from the state armory board fund, as shall be needed to provide the state armory board interest and retirement fund for the ensuing year and at all times fully and faithfully to keep the fund in not less than the amount necessary to pay the interest and principal maturing as provided in this section.  In addition, the issue of the bonds shall constitute an irrevocable pledge by the state armory board of so much of each year's income from those buildings, lands and other facilities as may be necessary to fully protect the state armory board interest and retirement fund for the ensuing year and keep the fund at all times in proper amount as provided in this section.   

H.     It is the duty of the state treasurer, where bonds have been issued pursuant to Chapter 20, Article 8 NMSA 1978, to forward to the bank at which the bonds are payable, prior to the date on which any coupons or any principal amount of any bonds shall mature, out of the state armory board interest and retirement fund a sufficient sum of money to meet the coupons and maturing bonds as they become due, plus any service which the bank shall be entitled to receive for its services unless the state armory board shall have forwarded those funds from the state armory board fund.   

I.     In the event the state armory board should find it advisable to issue bonds under Chapter 20, Article 8 NMSA 1978 in more than one series or at different times for any of the purposes set forth in that article, in each series of bonds, the bonds shall be designated by the letters "A", "B" or in some other designation to the end that each series shall be kept separate, and all of the requirements of that article shall apply to and be faithfully followed, done and carried out as to each series.  The state armory board has no power to issue bonds under Chapter 20, Article 8 NMSA 1978 when the aggregate interest and principal requirements for any year, together with the aggregate interest and principal requirements for all outstanding bonds of the state armory board for each year, exceeds the amount of the income from the buildings, lands and facilities under the board's control received by the board and deposited with the state treasurer for the fiscal year next preceding the fiscal year in which any bonds of the state armory board are authorized to be issued by resolution of the board adopted pursuant to Chapter 20, Article 8 NMSA 1978.   

J.     Bonds issued under the provisions of Chapter 20, Article 8 NMSA 1978 and the income thereupon, being for the sole purposes specified in that article, shall forever be and remain free and exempt from taxation by the state or any subdivision thereof.   

K.     None of the funds derived from the sale of bonds issued under the provisions of Chapter 20, Article 8 NMSA 1978, except so much thereof as shall be necessary to defray the costs of the issuance of the bonds and the accrued interest from the date thereof to the time of delivery, shall ever be used or expended for any purpose other than those for which the authority to issue the bonds is given by that article.   

L.     No bonds shall be finally issued and sold under the provisions of Chapter 20, Article 8 NMSA 1978 until approval of the issue has been given by the state board of finance in a regular or called meeting.   

M.     All bonds of the same issue under Chapter 20, Article 8 NMSA 1978 shall have a prior and paramount lien upon the income from the buildings, lands and facilities under the control of the state armory board, over and ahead of all bonds or any securities secured by a pledge of that income which may be subsequently authorized and over and ahead of any claims or other obligations of any nature against that income subsequently arising or subsequently incurred.  All bonds of the same series issued under Chapter 20, Article 8 NMSA 1978 shall be equally and rateably secured without priority by reason of number, date of bonds, sale, execution or delivery by lien on that income and the state armory board interest and retirement fund in accordance with the terms of Chapter 20, Article 8 NMSA 1978.