Section 17-2-24 - Officer's right to use animal or vehicle transporting seized game or fish; public conveyances excepted.
17-2-24. [Officer's right to use animal or vehicle transporting seized game or fish; public conveyances excepted.]
Where game or fish while being transported is seized under this chapter, the officer making such seizure shall have authority upon payment of reasonable compensation therefor, to also take possession of and use any animals and vehicles used in such transportation for the purpose of conveying the game or fish seized to a convenient railroad station or place of safekeeping or sale, and also for conveying any person arrested for the unlawful possession of such game or fish to a place of hearing or trial, and no liability shall attach to such officer by reason thereof, but this section shall not apply to any animal or vehicle while being used as a public conveyance for passengers or mails, or any railroad car.