6:1-21 - Definitions
6:1-21. Definitions When used in this act:
(a) "Aeronautics" means avigation of or transportation by aircraft; air instruction; the operation, repair or maintenance of aircraft, aircraft power plants and accessories; and the design, construction, repair, maintenance, operation or management of airports, landing fields, landing strips and other avigation facilities.
(b) "Avigation" means the operating, steering, directing, or managing of aircraft in or through the air and on the ground or water.
(c) "Aircraft" means any contrivance now known or hereafter invented, used or designed for avigation or flight in the air.
(d) "Public aircraft" means an aircraft used exclusively in the service of any government or of any political subdivision thereof, including the government of the United States, of the District of Columbia, and of any state, territory or insular possession of the United States, but not including any government-owned aircraft engaged in carrying for hire persons or goods.
(e) "Civil aircraft" means any aircraft other than a public aircraft.
(f) "Airport" means any area of land, water, or both, which is used or made available for the landing and take-off of aircraft, and which provides facilities for the shelter, supply and repair of aircraft, and which, as to size, design, surface, marking, maintenance, repair and management, meets the minimum requirements for the various classes of airports established from time to time by the New Jersey Commissioner of Transportation.
(g) (Deleted by amendment).
(h) "Landing strip" means any area of land, water, or both, other than an airport, which is used or is made available for the landing and take-off of aircraft.
(i) "Air instruction" means instruction in aeronautics or in the art or science of avigation or flight of aircraft.
(j) "Fixed base operator" means any person engaged in giving, offering to give, advertising, representing or holding himself out as giving, to the public, with or without compensation or other reward, air instruction and any person engaged in, but not limited to, the following types of operation: flying club; dusting, spraying and seeding by aircraft; aircraft maintenance or repair shop; banner towing; intrastate air carriers; sport parachute center; air taxi, scheduled or charter; pipe or power line patrol; aerial photography; fish spotting; aerial advertising (other than banner towing); and parachute repair and rigging; but, the term "fixed base operator" shall not include air carriers operating under a certificate of public convenience and necessity issued by the Civil Aeronautics Board or any successor thereto.
(k) "Person" means any individual, corporation, copartnership or other association of individuals.
(l) "Commissioner" means the Commissioner of the State Department of Transportation.
(m) "Director" means the State Director of Aeronautics in the Department of Transportation.
(n) "Temporary landing area " means any area of land, water, or both, which is used or made available for the landing and take-off of aircraft, and which, as to size, design, surface, ownership and location, meets the minimum requirements established from time to time by the Commissioner of Transportation.
(o) The singular shall include the plural and any gender shall include every other gender.
L.1938, c. 48, p. 126, s. 2. Amended by L.1952, c. 201, p. 714, s. 1; L.1971, c. 118, s. 1, eff. April 29, 1971; L.1983, c. 264, s. 12, eff. July 11, 1983.