58:5A-3 - Rules and regulations;  penalties

58:5A-3.  Rules and regulations;  penalties
    The commission or the governing body of such municipality, as the case may be, may make, alter, amend and repeal rules and regulations for the protection,  regulation and control of its watershed properties, reservoirs, pumping  stations, dams, pipelines, buildings, machinery and structures, and all other  properties and things contained therein, and may prescribe penalties for the  violations of such rules and regulations, either by imprisonment in a county  jail or in any place provided by a municipality for the detention of prisoners,  for any term not exceeding ninety days, or by a fine not exceeding two hundred  dollars ($200.00), or both.  The proposed rules and regulations shall first be  approved by the Department of Law and Public Safety of the State of New Jersey,  and in the case of a municipality, by the district water supply commission, if  any, of the water supply district within which said watershed properties are  situated, as well, and, when so approved, they shall be advertised once a week  for two weeks in at least two newspapers circulating in the county or counties  in which said rules and regulations are to apply and shall not be adopted until a public hearing shall have first been held.  Such rules and regulations shall  not take effect until ten days after their adoption and after their publication  once a week for two weeks in at least two newspapers circulating in the county  or counties in which said rules and regulations are to apply.

     L.1952, c. 355, p. 1145, s. 3.