58:5-34 - Definitions
58:5-34. Definitions
As used in this act, the following words and terms shall have the following meanings, unless the context indicates another or different meaning or intent:
(1) "Bonds" means bonds or other obligations, including notes, issued pursuant to this act;
(2) "Commission" means (1) when used with reference to the North Jersey water supply district, or a water supply system or transmission facility in such district, the North Jersey district water supply commission heretofore appointed under section 3 of the original act as such commission may be constituted at any particular time; (2) when used with reference to the South Jersey water supply district, or a water supply system or transmission facility in such district, the commission described as the South Jersey district water supply commission in said section, and after the appointment thereof, such commission as it may be constituted at any particular time; (3) when used without particular reference to either water supply district, or without other words indicating a particular commission, both of said commissions;
(3) "Construct" and "construction" connote and include, in addition to the usual connotations thereof, acts of construction, reconstruction, replacement, extension, improvement and betterment of a water transmission facility;
(4) "Contracting municipality" means with reference to any particular project any municipality which shall enter into an agreement with a commission which provides among other things for periodic payments from said municipality to the commission for the purpose of paying all or part of the costs of financing the acquisition, construction, maintenance and operation of such project;
(5) "Cost" means, in addition to the usual connotations thereof, the cost incurred, or to be incurred, by the State or a commission, in planning, designing, constructing and putting fully in operation, all or any part of a water transmission facility, and of acquiring all or any real or personal property, or any agreements or franchises, necessary, useful or convenient therefor, or in connection therewith, and shall include without limiting the generality of the foregoing: the cost of engineering, architectural, legal, accounting and other professional surveys, studies, estimates, inspections, reports, plans, specifications and advice, including the repayment of any advances from the State or the United States, or any agency of either, or from any other source, for any of such purposes; financing charges and bond discount; interest, insurance, administrative and other operating expenses prior to, during and for 1 year after construction; operating deficits and other deficiencies in revenues; and all other expenses as may be necessary or incident to the financing, acquisition and construction of a water transmission facility and putting the same fully in operation;
(6) "Governing body" means the commission, council, board or body, by whatever name it may be known, having charge of the finances of a municipality;
(7) "Municipality" means any city of any class, any borough, village, town, township, or any other municipality (other than a county or a school district) any agency thereof or any 2 or more thereof acting jointly;
(8) "Operating expenses" means, in addition to the usual connotations thereof, all costs and expenses of operating, maintaining, managing, repairing and reconstructing a project and each and every part thereof including without limiting the generality of the foregoing: administrative expenses, premiums on insurance, including use and occupancy insurance and casualty, compensation and other insurance, costs of collection of any revenues, legal and engineering expenses, payments to pension, retirement, health and hospitalization funds, expenses, liabilities and compensation of fiduciaries, and any other expenses required to be paid for or with respect to proper operation or maintenance of such project all to the extent properly and directly attributable to such project, whether paid or incurred by the State or by the commission operating such project;
(9) "Original act" means chapter 5 of Title 58 of the Revised Statutes and the acts continued thereby and the acts heretofore adopted amendatory thereof and supplemental thereto;
(10) "Owner" means a person having any estate, interest or right in property being acquired under this act or any lien, charge or encumbrance thereon;
(11) "Participant" means any municipality which has accepted or which may hereafter accept a contract with a commission providing for the raising and payment of funds to meet the costs of acquisition and operation of a water supply or additional water supply pursuant to the terms of the original act;
(12) "Person" means any natural person, or any association, corporation, including any publicly or privately owned utility corporation, authority, county, municipality or the State and any agency or subdivision of any of them;
(13) "Project" means any water transmission facility, or any part of such a facility planned, acquired, constructed, or undertaken by a commission to carry out the purposes of this act;
(14) "Real property" means lands both within and without the State, and improvements thereof or thereon, any and all rights of way, water, riparian and other rights, any and all easements and privileges in real property, and any right or interest of any kind or description in, relating to or connected with real property;
(15) "Water supply system" or "supply system" means any water supply or additional water supply acquired or operated pursuant to the terms of the original act and all property of any kind used in connection therewith;
(16) "Water transmission facility" or "transmission facility" means any real property and rights therein, and any plants, structures, machinery and equipment and other property real, personal and mixed, acquired, constructed or operated, or to be acquired, constructed or operated for or in connection with the treatment, filtration, transmission or distribution by a commission of water made available by the State, including without limiting the generality of the foregoing, standpipes and other storage facilities, pumping stations, treatment plants, filtration plants, conduits, transmission mains, aqueducts, pipelines, mains, canals, open waterways and channels, connections and interconnections, roads and other plants, structures, machinery, tools, equipment, boats, conveyances, and other real and personal property, and rights therein, and any and all appurtenances necessary, useful, convenient or incidental to or in connection with the acquisition, construction, operation or maintenance of any of the foregoing;
(17) "Unused water" means with reference to any particular project any water allocated to but not presently required by a contracting municipality in such project and which would remain unused unless disposed of by the commission as provided in this act;
(18) "Water supply law" means the act of the Legislature of the State of New Jersey entitled "An act concerning water supplies, providing for increased water supplies for public potable, industrial, irrigation and other purposes, prescribing the functions, powers and duties of the Department of Conservation and Economic Development in connection therewith, and supplementing Title 58 of the Revised Statutes" approved May 12, 1958, constituting chapter 34 of the laws of 1958 (c. 58:22-1 et seq.) as heretofore amended and supplemented.
L.1962, c. 167, s. 4.