58:29-5 - Purposes of fund
58:29-5 Purposes of fund.
5. Monies in the fund shall be used only for the following purposes:
a. The development and adoption of a priority list of water quality limited waterbodies pursuant to the requirements of section 303(d)(1)(A) of the Federal Act (33 U.S.C. s.1313);
b. The monitoring and assessment of all State waters pursuant to the requirements of section 305(b) of the Federal Act (33 U.S.C. s.1315);
c. The delineation of watershed management areas and stream segments;
d. The identification of potential causes of the use impairment or water quality standard violations related to waterbodies on the priority list required pursuant to sections 303(d)(1)(A) and 305(b) of the Federal Act by means of assessment of reliable data, including, but not necessarily limited to, identification of point sources, nonpoint sources, habitat degradation, and hydrologic changes. This identification shall include a broad-based intensive survey monitoring program that shall supplement the existing chemical, biological and toxics-in-biota monitoring networks, and that shall intensively sample watersheds or segments of watersheds on a periodic basis and establish a detailed watershed-wide assessment process. The number of monitoring sites within a watershed shall be determined by existing water quality, land uses, known and potential pollution sources, and the amount of available historical data. The supplemental survey monitoring program, shall be designed to provide:
(1) a detailed profile of water quality over specified time periods;
(2) an identification and detailed profile of both point and nonpoint pollution sources;
(3) a quantification of pollutant loadings and pollution impacts on receiving waters from both point and nonpoint sources; and
(4) water quality modeling based upon amounts of point and nonpoint sources of pollution and land use;
e. The development of total maximum daily loads and water quality-based effluent limitations for water quality limited waterbodies, as required pursuant to section 303(d)(1)(C) of the Federal Act, and any rules or regulations adopted pursuant thereto;
f. The development and presentation of data on the department's Geographic Information System (GIS);
g. The development and adoption of pollution prevention best management practices to control point and nonpoint sources of pollution;
h. The characterization of land use and land cover in each watershed;
i. The development and adoption of a watershed management plan;
j. The development and planning by the department of a watershed management program and the integration of the department's rules and regulations with the program; and
k. The development and implementation of a watershed protection loan and grant program, as described pursuant to section 6 of this act.