58:25-6 - State sewerage facilities loan fund

58:25-6.  State sewerage facilities loan fund
    There is hereby established a State Sewerage Facilities Loan Fund which shall be administered by the State Treasurer.  All funds appropriated or otherwise made available for this purpose, including funds received from the repayment of loans made under the provisions of section 15 of this act, shall be deposited in such depositories as may be selected by the State Treasurer to the credit of the fund.  The moneys in the fund, unless otherwise provided by law, shall be held for the purpose of making grants and loans to local units as  provided in sections 14 and 15 of this act. Pending their application to the  purposes provided in sections 11 through 20 of this act, moneys in the State  Sewerage Facilities Loan Fund may be invested and reinvested as other trust  funds in the custody of the State Treasurer in the manner provided by law.  All  earnings received from the investment or deposit of such funds shall be paid  into and become a part of the fund.     L.1979, c. 321, s. 16, eff. Jan. 18, 1980.