Section 58:16A
- 58:16A-1 - Short title; declaration of advisability
- 58:16A-2 - Receipt of moneys from Federal Government, counties and municipalities for reimbursement
- 58:16A-4.1 - Flood control facilities; authorization to plan, acquire, construct and operate
- 58:16A-5 - Authority of commissioner of environmental protection
- 58:16A-6 - Relocation and reconstruction for flood control project
- 58:16A-7 - Participation by municipalities or counties, or agency or instrumentality thereof
- 58:16A-8 - Public utilities to remove, relocate and reconstruct facilities
- 58:16A-9 - Acquisition of property; eminent domain; entry on property
- 58:16A-10 - Lease, sale or exchange of property taken; conveyance to United States
- 58:16A-11 - Certification by Attorney-General of title or interest of State in property
- 58:16A-12 - Easement rights; termination
- 58:16A-14 - Completed works; maintenance
- 58:16A-15 - Payment of moneys appropriated
- 58:16A-16 - Approval of projects by legislature
- 58:16A-17 - Money received pursuant to Federal Flood Control Act of 1938; disbursement; expenditures
- 58:16A-50 - Short title; declaration of policy
- 58:16A-51 - Definitions
- 58:16A-52 - Delineation of flood hazard areas
- 58:16A-53 - Markers
- 58:16A-55 - Land in designated floodway; rules, regulations and orders concerning development and use; waiver
- 58:16A-55.1 - Repair or rebuilding of lawful preexisting structure within flood hazard area
- 58:16A-55.2 - Structure or alteration within area subject to inundation by 100 year design flood of nondelineated stream; approval; conditions
- 58:16A-55.3 - Application for development under Municipal Land Use Law; approval by department
- 58:16A-55.4 - County stormwater control and drainage plans; utilization on determinations of approval
- 58:16A-55.5 - County water resources associations
- 58:16A-55.6 - Delegation of power to approve or disapprove application to county governing body
- 58:16A-55.8 - Hazardous substances, placing, storing in certain flood plains, prohibited
- 58:16A-56 - Minimum standards for local rules and regulations
- 58:16A-57 - Rules and regulations by affected municipality or other responsible entity for development and use of land in flood fringe area
- 58:16A-58 - Failure to adopt or enforce local rules and regulations; action by department
- 58:16A-59 - Adoption of rules and regulations by department; requirements
- 58:16A-60 - Inapplicability of rules and regulations to lands regulated by Wetlands Act of 1970
- 58:16A-60.1 - Zero net fill requirement in flood hazard areas, certain
- 58:16A-61 - Establishment of full value of lands for assessment
- 58:16A-62 - Local rules and regulations more restrictive than state standards; authorization
- 58:16A-63 - Violations of act; remedies
- 58:16A-64 - Liberal construction
- 58:16A-65 - Effect of act on powers, duties and functions on state department of environmental protection
- 58:16A-66 - Severability
- 58:16A-67 - Written notice of intent to undertake a project to clean, clear, desnag stream; definitions
- 58:16A-68 - Municipal plan for flood control facilities
- 58:16A-100 - Flood early warning system
- 58:16A-101 - Notification of emergency management organizations and police; news broadcast
- 58:16A-102 - "Emergency supplies" defined, regional directory database