58:11B-22.1 - Submission of financial plan, details; approval

58:11B-22.1.  Submission of financial plan, details; approval
26.  a.  The trust shall submit the financial plan required pursuant to section 25 of P.L.1997, c.224 (C.58:11B-21.1) to the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the General Assembly on a day when both houses are meeting. The President and the Speaker shall cause the date of submission to be entered upon the Senate Journal and the Minutes of the General Assembly, respectively.

b.  Unless the financial plan as described in the submission is approved by adoption of a concurrent resolution of both houses within the time period prescribed in this subsection, the financial plan shall be deemed disapproved and the trust shall not undertake any of the proposed activities contained therein. The President and the Speaker shall cause a concurrent resolution of approval of the trust's financial plan to be placed before the members of the respective houses for a recorded vote within the time period. The time period shall commence on the day of submission and expire on the forty-fifth day after submission or for a house not meeting on the forty-fifth day, on the next meeting day of that house.
