58:11-59 - Failure to comply by small water, sewer companies
58:11-59 Failure to comply by small water, sewer companies.
1. a. Whenever a small water company or a small sewer company, or both, are found to have failed to comply with any unstayed order of the Department of Environmental Protection concerning the availability of water, the potability of water, or the provision of water at adequate volume and pressure, or any unstayed order finding a small water company or a small sewer company or both a significant noncomplier or requiring the abatement of a serious violation, as those terms are defined pursuant to section 3 of P.L.1977, c.74 (C.58:10A-3), which the department is authorized to enforce pursuant to Title 58 of the Revised Statutes, the department and the Board of Public Utilities, and the Division of Rate Counsel in, but not of, the Department of the Treasury may, after 30 days' notice to capable proximate public or private water or sewer companies, municipal utilities authorities established pursuant to P.L.1957, c.183 (C.40:14B-1 et seq.), municipalities or any other suitable public or private entities wherein the small water company, small sewer company, or both, provide service, conduct a joint public hearing to announce: the actions that may be taken and the expenditures that may be required, including acquisition costs, to make all improvements necessary to assure the availability of water, the potability of water and the provision thereof at adequate volume and pressure, and the compliance with all applicable federal and State water pollution control requirements for a small sewer company, including, but not necessarily limited to, the acquisition of the small water company or small sewer company, or both, by the most suitable public or private entity.
At the hearing the department and the board shall state the costs that are expected to be borne by the current users of the small water company, small sewer company, or both. The department shall propose an administrative consent order setting forth an agreed upon time schedule by which the acquiring entity would be required to make improvements required to resolve existing violations of federal and State safe drinking water and water pollution control statutes and regulations. The administrative consent order shall stipulate that the acquiring entity shall not be liable for any fines or penalties for continuing violations arising from the deficiencies, obsolescence or disrepair of the facilities at the time of the acquisition, provided that:
(1)the stipulation shall be conditioned upon compliance by the acquiring entity with the time frames established for improving the facilities and eliminating the existing violations; and
(2)the stipulation shall not include any violation to the extent caused by operational error, lack of preventive maintenance or careless or improper operation by the acquiring entity.
Under no circumstances shall the acquiring entity be liable for violations occurring prior to the acquisition.
At the conclusion of a hearing conducted pursuant to this section the record of the hearing shall be kept open for 30 days to allow for the submission of additional comments.
b.As used in sections 1 through 4 of P.L.1981, c.347 (C.58:11-59 through 58:11-62):
"Small water company" means any company, purveyor or entity, other than a governmental agency, that provides water for human consumption and which regularly serves less than 1,000 customer connections; and
"Small sewer company" means any company, business, or entity, other than a governmental agency, which is a public utility as defined pursuant to R.S.48:2-13, that collects, stores, conveys, or treats primarily domestic wastewater, and that regularly serves less than 1,000 customer connections.
L.1981, c.347, s.1; amended 1994, c.58, s.57; 1999, c.296, s.2; 2005, c.155, s.97; 2010, c.34, s.44.