58:10A-37.19 - Joint annual report
58:10A-37.19 Joint annual report.
19. a. The New Jersey Economic Development Authority and the Department of Environmental Protection shall present a joint annual report to the presiding officers of the two houses of the Legislature and to the chairmen and members of the Assembly Agriculture and Waste Management Committee and the Senate Environment Committee, or their successors, on the status of the financial assistance program, which shall include: a statement on receipts and expenditures for the Petroleum Underground Storage Tank Remediation, Upgrade, and Closure Fund; the number of applications for financial assistance received and the actions taken on the applications; the amount of financial assistance awarded as loans or as grants for both public entities and other applicants; the identity and location of the facilities receiving the financial assistance; an assessment of the adequacy of current funding levels in meeting the statutory objectives of the fund; an accounting of expenses incurred by the authority in administering the fund; and such other information, including any legislative or administrative recommendations for program changes, as the authority and the department may deem appropriate or useful. The annual reports shall be made not later than March 31 of each year beginning one year following the effective date of this act. The first report shall also contain a needs survey, which shall estimate the scope and projected costs of all potentially eligible remediation applications for financial assistance from the fund.