58:10A-37.11 - Insurance coverage for costs of remediation
58:10A-37.11 Insurance coverage for costs of remediation.11. Notwithstanding any other provision of P.L.1997, c.235 (C.58:10A-37.1 et seq.), if an owner or operator maintains environmental liability or other insurance coverage for the remediation of a discharge, the insurance coverage shall be the primary coverage for the costs of a remediation. Eligible owners and operators may apply for financial assistance from the fund for any excess thereof, including any deductible, up to the per facility monetary limits set forth in section 5 of P.L.1997, c.235 (C.58:10A-37.5). An eligible owner or operator shall file a notice of a claim with its insurance carrier prior to filing an application for financial assistance from the fund. The notice of claim shall list the fund as a beneficiary of the claim to the extent of an award of financial assistance is made from the fund. As a condition of receiving an award of financial assistance from the fund, the eligible owner or operator shall agree to diligently pursue the claim against its insurance carrier.