56:4A-2 - Transfer of rights, title and interest to molder upon customer's failure to take possession;  notice

56:4A-2.  Transfer of rights, title and interest to molder upon customer's failure to take possession;  notice
    Unless otherwise agreed to in writing, if a customer does not take possession from a molder of a mold, die or form situated in this State within 3  years following its last prior use, the customer's rights, title and interest  to the mold, die or form may be transferred by operation of law to the molder  for the purpose of destroying the mold, die or form consistent with this act.   To transfer title, the molder shall send written notice by registered mail,  return receipt requested, to the customer's designated address or, if there is  none, to the customer's last known address, indicating that the molder intends  to have the customer's rights, title and interest to the mold, die or form  transferred pursuant to this act.

     L.1983, c. 217, s. 2.