56:3A-4 - Information required to be provided to proprietors
56:3A-4. Information required to be provided to proprietors
4. A performing rights society shall not enter into or execute a contract for the payment of royalties by a proprietor unless, no later than 72 hours prior to the execution of the contract, the performing rights society provides to the proprietor, in writing, the following:
a. a schedule of the rates and terms of royalties under the contract;
b. notice that the performing rights society shall, upon request by a proprietor, provide, before entering into a contract with that proprietor, a schedule of the rates and terms of royalties under agreements executed by the performing rights society and proprietors of comparable businesses in the same county;
c. in the case of a performing rights society which offers discounts to proprietors in the same county on any basis, the amounts and terms of those discounts;
d. notice of the provisions of section 3 of this act including the electronic address and the toll free telephone number; and
e. notice that the proprietor is entitled to the information required under this act and that the failure of the performing rights society to provide that information is a violation of this act.