55:18-1 - Definitions

55:18-1.  Definitions
    As used in this act:

    a.   "Dwelling unit"  means a room or connected rooms within a residential structure forming a self-contained area within that structure and adapted to provide permanent living accommodations for a person or family, including the availability of heat, electricity, water and necessary equipment for the culinary and sanitary requirements of a household of a size for which it is intended.

    b.   "Resident first-time homebuyer"  means a natural person, or the unit of  husband and wife considered as joint tenants or tenants by the entirety, who is  not and has never been the owner of, or holder of an ownership interest in,  residential property in this State, exclusive of any interest as a stockholder  or partner in a corporation or limited partnership, or as trustee for another  person or persons;  who enters or proposes to enter into a lease agreement with  a municipality under the terms of this act;  and who at the time of entering  into such a lease is a bona fide resident of that municipality.

    c.   "Housing corporation"  means any corporation formed under the provisions of Title 15 of the Revised Statutes, which by its certificate of incorporation as issued or amended is empowered to engage in the activity of developing, constructing and operating residential accommodations for persons of low and moderate income, or any private, limited-dividend or nonprofit housing corporation organized in accordance with the provisions of the "Limited-Dividend Nonprofit Housing Corporations or Associations Law," P.L.1949, c. 184 (C. 55:16-1 et seq.).

    d.   "Nonresidential structure"  means any building designed and built for use as a factory or warehouse, or for retail or wholesale merchandising, office, workshop, school, hospital, hotel, or any other commercial, industrial or institutional purpose;  or which, having been designed and built for residential use, has been altered, converted or reconstructed for nonresidential use.

    e.   "Persons and families of low and moderate income"  means persons and families whose income is insufficient, in relation to the current cost and condition of housing facilities available in the normal private-enterprise housing market, to secure safe, sanitary and decent housing adequate for the size of the family.

    f.   "Residential structure"  means any building constructed or reconstructed, rehabilitated, converted or altered for the purpose of providing  dwelling units for the accommodation of nontransient tenants.  A structure  containing nonresidential space and facilities not exceeding 25% of its total  rental value shall be  "residential"  within this definition.

     L.1983, c. 335, s. 1, eff. Sept. 2, 1983.