55:13A-7.14 - Leases, required notices advising of availability; delivery, posting
55:13A-7.14 Leases, required notices advising of availability; delivery, posting.
3. a. All leases offered to tenants in multiple dwellings shall contain a notice, conspicuously set forth therein in prominent boldface type, advising tenants and prospective tenants of the availability of window guards under P.L.1995, c.120 (C.55:13A-7.12 et seq.) and the need for a tenant to request in writing the installation of window guards. In the case of a cooperative, as defined in P.L.1987, c.381 (C.46:8D-1 et seq.), formed prior to the effective date of P.L.2006, c.55 (C.55:13A-7.12a et al.), the notice required by this subsection shall not be required in proprietary leases.
b. (1) At the time of lease signing, the owner, lessor, agent or other person who manages or controls a unit of dwelling space in a multiple dwelling shall verbally inform the tenant of the tenant's right to request the installation of window guards under P.L.1995, c.120 (C.55:13A-7.12 et seq.). Verification that this verbal notice was provided and understood shall be set forth in a written document, aside from the lease document itself, which written document shall acknowledge that the tenant was made aware of the right to request the installation of window guards and which shall be signed by both the tenant and the owner, lessor, agent or other person who manages or controls the unit of dwelling space.
(2) (a) The owner, lessor, agent or other person who manages or controls a multiple dwelling unit or a rental unit within a common interest community shall cause to be delivered to each dwelling unit so managed or controlled, twice annually, a notice, in form and manner prescribed by the commissioner, advising occupants of the obligation of the said owner, lessor, agent or other person to install child-protection window guards pursuant to section 2 of P.L.1995, c.120 (C.55:13A-7.13). For the purposes of this section, an owner of a rental unit located within a common interest community, and not the unit owners' association, shall be deemed to be the managing agent of that rental unit. A lease provision notifying a tenant of the availability of window guards may satisfy one of the notice requirements of this subparagraph.
(b)The owner, lessor, unit owners' association, agent or other person who manages or controls the common areas of a multiple dwelling shall cause to be delivered to each dwelling unit, twice annually, a notice, in form and manner prescribed by the commissioner, advising occupants of the obligation of the said owner, lessor, unit owners' association, agent or other person to install child-protection window guards pursuant to section 2 of P.L.1995, c.120 (C.55:13A-7.13). A lease provision notifying a tenant of the availability of window guards may satisfy one of the notice requirements of this subparagraph.
(3)The owner, lessor, unit owners' association, agent or other person who manages or controls the common areas of a multiple dwelling shall cause to be conspicuously posted and prominently displayed in the common areas of that dwelling a notice advising the occupants of the obligation of the owner, lessor, unit owners' association, agent or other person to install child-protection window guards pursuant to section 2 of P.L.1995, c.120 (C.55:13A-7.13) and advising tenants to check their window guards on a regular basis and to report any problems or concerns to the owner, lessor, unit owners' association, agent or other person who manages or controls the multiple dwelling.
c.Notwithstanding any municipal ordinance to the contrary, expenditures not exceeding $20 per window guard installed in a dwelling unit that are made pursuant to P.L.1995, c.120 (C.55:13A-7.12 et seq.) may be passed on to the tenant who requested installation of the window guard.
L.1995,c.120,s.3; amended 2006, c.55, s.3.