55:13A-7 - Rules, regulations
55:13A-7 Rules, regulations.
7.The commissioner shall issue and promulgate, in the manner specified in section 8 of P.L.1967, c.76 (C.55:13A-8), such regulations as the commissioner may deem necessary to assure that any hotel or multiple dwelling will be maintained in such manner as is consistent with, and will protect, the health, safety and welfare of the occupants or intended occupants thereof, or of the public generally.
Any such regulations issued and promulgated by the commissioner pursuant to this section shall provide standards and specifications for such maintenance materials, methods and techniques, fire warning and extinguisher systems, elevator systems, emergency egresses, and such other protective equipment as the commissioner shall deem reasonably necessary to the health, safety and welfare of the occupants or intended occupants of any units of dwelling space in any hotel or multiple dwelling, including but not limited to:
(a)Structural adequacy ratings;
(b)Methods of egress, including fire escapes, outside fireproof stairways, independent stairways, and handrails, railings, brackets, braces and landing platforms thereon, additional stairways, and treads, winders, and risers thereof, entrances and ramps;
(c)Bulkheads and scuttles, partitions, walls, ceilings and floors;
(d)Garbage and refuse collection and disposal, cleaning and janitorial services, repairs, and extermination services;
(e)Electrical wiring and outlets, and paints and the composition thereof;
(f)Doors, and the manner of opening thereof;
(g)Transoms, windows, shafts and beams;
(h)Chimneys, flues and central heating units;
(i)Roofing and siding materials;
(j)Lots, yards, courts and garages, including the size and location thereof;
(k)Intakes, open ducts, offsets and recesses;
(l)Windows, including the size and height thereof;
(m) Rooms, including the area and height thereof, and the permissible number of occupants thereof;
(n)Stairwells, skylights and alcoves;
(o)Public halls, including the lighting and ventilation thereof;
(p)Accessory passages to rooms;
(q)Cellars, drainage and air space;
(r)Water-closets, bathrooms and sinks;
(s)Water connections, including the provision of drinking and hot and cold running water;
(t)Sewer connections, privies, cesspools, and private sewers;
(u)Rain water and drainage conductors;
(v)Entrances and ramps; and
(w) Presence of lead-based paint hazards in multiple dwellings and in single-family and two-family dwellings, exclusive of owner-occupied dwelling units, subject to P.L.2003, c.311 (C.52:27D-437.1 et al.). In a common interest community, any inspection fee for and violation found within a unit which is solely related to this subsection shall be the responsibility of the unit owner and not the homeowners' association, unless the association is the owner of the unit.
L.1967, c.76, s.7; amended 2003, c.311, s.19; 2007, c.251, s.5.