55:13A-5 - Abolition of offices and transfer of powers, functions and duties

55:13A-5.  Abolition of offices and transfer of powers, functions and duties
    (a) The Board of Housing Inspection heretofore constituted in the Division of Housing and Urban Renewal in the Department of Community Affairs by section 23 of chapter 293 of the laws of 1966 is hereby abolished, except that the powers, functions and duties of said Board of Housing Inspection are hereby transferred to and vested in the commissioner.  In its stead, there is hereby created in the Division of Housing and Urban Renewal of the Department of Community Affairs a Hotel and Multiple Dwelling Health and Safety Board.  Said board shall consist of 10 members, each of whom shall be a resident of this State, to be appointed by the Governor with the advice and consent of the Senate for terms of 5 years.  Of the members appointed by the Governor, 6 shall  be residents of this State representing the general public, 2 shall be representatives of the hotel and motel industry by reason of experience in the construction or operation of hotels or motels, and 2 shall be representatives of the real estate industry by reason of experience in the construction, operation or sales of multiple dwellings.  Each member shall serve for the term  of his appointment and until his successor shall have been appointed and qualified.  Any vacancy in the membership of the board shall be filled by appointment for the unexpired term only.  Any member of the board may be removed by the Governor at any time, for cause, upon notice and opportunity to be heard.  The members of the board shall serve without compensation, but shall  be entitled to reimbursement for all necessary expenses incurred in the discharge of their duties.

    The board shall consult with and advise the commissioner with respect to rules and regulations proposed to be promulgated pursuant to this act and advise the commissioner on matters concerning hotel and multiple dwelling health and safety generally.  The board shall meet at the call of the commissioner, the time and place of such meeting to be fixed by the commissioner.  The board shall annually elect one of its members as the chairman thereof, and such other officers as it may deem appropriate.

    The persons in office on the effective date of this act as members of the Board of Housing Inspection hereby abolished shall continue in office as members of the Hotel and Multiple Dwelling Health and Safety Board created herein, for the periods of their respective terms as members of said Board of Housing Inspection which remain unexpired on the effective date of this act, and until their respective successors are appointed by the Governor and have qualified.

    (b) The office of supervisor of hotel fire safety heretofore constituted in  the Bureau of Housing Inspection of the Division of Housing and Urban Renewal  in the Department of Community Affairs by section 24 of chapter 293 of the laws  of 1966 is hereby abolished, except that the powers, functions and duties of  said office of supervisor of hotel fire safety are hereby transferred to and  vested in the commissioner.

     L.1967, c. 76, s. 5, eff. May 31, 1967.