54:5-98 - Redemption;  fees and costs;  time and place

54:5-98.  Redemption;  fees and costs;  time and place
    After the complaint has been filed redemption shall be made in that cause only, provided notice of the suit has been filed in the office of the tax collector.  Such redemption shall be subject to the fixing of fees and costs at  any time during the course of the action.  In such proceedings the court may  order that the redemption shall be made to the tax collector of the municipality at his official office during business hours, except in cases where the tax collector is a part-time official with no regular municipal office, in which case it may order that the redemption shall be made to the clerk of the county in which the premises lie.

     Amended by L.1953, c. 51, p. 901, s. 51;  L.1965, c. 187, s. 8.