54:5-45.4 - Application of section 54:5-45.1 to sales after June 29, 1935; certain resales validated

54:5-45.4.  Application of section 54:5-45.1 to sales after June 29, 1935; certain resales validated
    Whenever heretofore a municipality has conducted a sale for unpaid taxes and  assessments and has omitted from the sale of any property certain taxes, assessments or other municipal charges, or any or all of them, which, under the  laws of this State, should have been included in said sale, and the municipality while holding the tax sale certificate covering such property sold  at said sale, has, by resolution heretofore adopted by its governing body,  declared such sale of said property to be void and without effect, then and in  that event the provisions of section 54:5-45.1 of the Revised Statutes of New  Jersey of the year one thousand nine hundred and thirty-seven shall apply to  every such case, notwithstanding the fact that said sale was conducted after  the twenty-ninth day of June, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-five, and  the said sale of said property shall be void and without effect and the lien of  all such taxes, assessments and other municipal charges omitted from such sale,  together with the taxes, assessments and other municipal charges included in  such sale, shall be and remain liens on said property as if no sale had been made and shall continue as such liens until the amount thereof, with interest,  shall have been paid, as provided by law, and any and all sales of said  property for unpaid taxes, assessments or other municipal charges conducted in  accordance with said section 54:5-45.1, after the adoption of said resolution  by the governing body of the municipality, are hereby validated and confirmed.

     L.1940, c. 241, p. 933, s. 1.