54:5-13 - Certificate to include statement of municipal liens, tax sales and  assessments under Farmland Assessment Act

54:5-13.  Certificate to include statement of municipal liens, tax sales and  assessments under Farmland Assessment Act
    The certificate provided for in section 54:5-12 of this Title shall include  a statement of all municipal liens and outstanding certificates of tax sale,  whether held by the municipality or not, made at any time prior to the date of  its certification and not redeemed at such date as shown on the records of the  municipality, and in the case of a continuation search shall indicate whether  the liens, if any, shown in the original certificate shall have been paid and  satisfied or remain in force.  In addition, the certificate shall state whether  the land is being assessed or has been assessed within the 3 years last past  under the Farmland Assessment Act of 1964, P.L.1964, chapter 48 (C. 54:4-23.1  et seq.) and may be subject to roll-back taxes thereunder.

     Amended by L.1944, c. 97, p. 252, s. 1;  L.1947, c. 356, p. 1156, s. 1; L.1970, c. 293, s. 2, eff. Dec. 14, 1970.