54:5-104.61 - Statement of redemption to be filed by plaintiff;  to operate  as discharge of notice;  tax collector to deliver certificate of redemption

54:5-104.61.  Statement of redemption to be filed by plaintiff;  to operate  as discharge of notice;  tax collector to deliver certificate of redemption
    Upon such redemption, the plaintiff or its attorney shall promptly file with  the county recording officer a statement setting forth that redemption has been  made in respect to any parcel of land described in the petition. The filing of  the statement shall operate to discharge the notice hereinbefore provided in  section fourteen insofar as the notice relates to the land so redeemed.  Any  person making such redemption shall be entitled to receive, from the tax  collector or other official, a certificate of redemption and a duplicate  thereof, and may file such duplicate with the county recording officer, in lieu  of, and with the same effect as, a statement of redemption filed by a plaintiff  or its attorney, as in this section provided.

     L.1948, c. 96, p. 544, s. 33.  Amended by L.1953, c. 51, p. 906, s. 85.