54:5-104.35 - Resolution by governing body

54:5-104.35.  Resolution by governing body
    The governing body of any municipality may, from time to time, determine, by  resolution, to foreclose any of the tax sale certificates held by it, by the  summary proceedings In Rem provided by this act.  Such resolution shall list  the lands against which such proceedings shall be instituted.  Such list, to be  known as the  "tax foreclosure list,"  shall be prepared and certified by the  tax collector.  It shall schedule the lands and certificates in numerical  sequence, and shall contain the following information:

    (a) Schedule number.

     (b) Description of the land as it appears on the tax duplicate and in the certificate of tax sale.

     (c) Serial number, or, if no serial number, other identification of the certificate of tax sale.

     (d) Date of tax sale.

     (e) Book and page or date and instrument number of the record of the certificate in the office of the county recording officer if such certificate has been recorded at the time of the adoption of such resolution, and the prior  recording of the tax certificate shall not be a prerequisite to the adoption of  the resolution.

    (f) The amount of the sale as set forth in the certificate.

     (g) The amount of all tax liens accruing subsequent to the tax sale, including interest, penalties and costs.

     (h) The amount required to redeem.

     (i) The name of the person appearing as the owner of the land to be affected  by the foreclosure proceedings as it appears on the last tax duplicate of the  municipality, or the word  "unknown"  if no name appears thereon.

     L.1948, c. 96, p. 535, s. 7.  Amended by L.1953, c. 147, p. 1360, s. 1.