54:5-104.102 - Benefits and disabilities;  application to successors in interest;  agreements to defeat operation of Act

54:5-104.102.  Benefits and disabilities;  application to successors in interest;  agreements to defeat operation of Act    The benefits of this act shall inure to the successors in interest of said individual or individuals if said individual or individuals would have been entitled to the benefits of the provisions of this act, regardless of the state  of knowledge of such successors, provided only that such successor is an  individual or individuals occupying or intending to occupy said premises as a  single family residence as set forth above.  The successors in interest to said  owner shall be subject to all of the disabilities of this act if said owner  would have been so subjected, if at the time of the acquisition from said owner  (or his or its successors) such successor knew or should have known, and would  have known by a reasonable investigation, that said owner or his or its  successors or any of them had acquired the interest or claim under the  circumstances set forth in this act.  The amount payable to such successor  shall be the amount last paid to an owner or successor not subject to the  disabilities of this act, plus interest at the rate of 6% per annum from the  date such amount was paid, or the amount which said successor paid plus said  6%, whichever is smaller. Any agreement or arrangement with an owner who is  not subject to the disabilities of this act whereby such owner's claim is  pursued for the benefit of others (whether said owner is also benefited or not)  under circumstances where such others had they acquired said owner's claim  would have been subject to the disabilities of this act shall be null and void; the attempted enforcement, pursuant to such agreement or arrangement, of such  owner's claim or interest shall be dismissed and any benefits paid to such  others shall be recoverable by the individual or individuals entitled to the  benefit of this act.  Anyone knowingly attempting to defeat the operation of  this act by entering into any such arrangement or agreement shall be adjudged a  disorderly person.

     L.1964, c. 184, s. 3.