54:40A-59 - Marking of cigarettes as certified

54:40A-59 Marking of cigarettes as certified.
6. a. Cigarettes that are certified by a manufacturer in accordance with section 5 of this act shall be marked to indicate compliance with the requirements of section 4 of this act. The marking shall be in eight point font type or larger and consist of:

(1)modification of the product UPC Code to indicate a visible mark printed at or around the area of the UPC Code. The mark may consist of alphanumeric or symbolic characters permanently stamped, engraved, embossed or printed in conjunction with the UPC; or

(2)any visible combination of alphanumeric or symbolic characters permanently stamped, engraved, or embossed upon the cigarette package or cellophane wrap; or

(3)printed, stamped, engraved or embossed text that indicates that the cigarettes meet the standards of this section.

b.A manufacturer shall use only one marking, and shall apply this marking uniformly for all packages, including, but not limited to packs, cartons, and cases, and brands marketed by that manufacturer.

c.The director shall be notified as to the marking that is selected.

d.Prior to the certification of any cigarette, a manufacturer shall present its proposed marking to the director for approval. Upon receipt of the request, the director shall approve or disapprove the marking offered, except that the director shall approve any marking in use and approved for sale in New York State pursuant to the New York Fire Safety Standards for Cigarettes. Proposed markings shall be deemed approved if the director fails to act within 10 business days of receiving a request for approval.

e.No manufacturer shall modify its approved marking unless the modification has been approved by the director in accordance with this section.

f.Manufacturers certifying cigarettes in accordance with section 5 of this act shall provide a copy of the certifications to all wholesale dealers and agents to which they sell cigarettes, and shall also provide sufficient copies of an illustration of the package marking utilized by the manufacturer pursuant to this section for each retail dealer to which the wholesale dealers or agents sell cigarettes. Wholesale dealers and agents shall provide a copy of these package markings received from manufacturers to all retail dealers to which they sell cigarettes. Wholesale dealers, agents, and retail dealers shall permit the director, the Director of the Division of Taxation, the Attorney General, their employees, or other law enforcement personnel to inspect markings of cigarette packaging marked in accordance with this section. 

L.2007, c.86, s.6.
54:40A-60 Violations, penalties.
7. a. A manufacturer, wholesale dealer, agent or any other person or entity who knowingly sells or offers to sell cigarettes, other than through retail sale, in violation of section 4 of this act, for a first offense shall be liable to a civil penalty not to exceed $10,000 per each sale of such cigarettes, and for a subsequent offense shall be liable to a civil penalty not to exceed $25,000 per each such sale of cigarettes provided that in no case shall the penalty against any such person or entity exceed $100,000 during a thirty-day period.

b.A retail dealer who knowingly sells cigarettes in violation of section 4 of this act shall:

(1)for a first offense be liable to a civil penalty not to exceed $500, and for a subsequent offense be liable to a civil penalty not to exceed $2,000, per each such sale or offer for sale of cigarettes, if the total number of cigarettes sold or offered for sale in such sale does not exceed 1,000 cigarettes; or

(2)for a first offense be liable to a civil penalty not to exceed $1,000, and for a subsequent offense be liable to a civil penalty not to exceed $5,000 per each such sale or offer for sale of such cigarettes, if the total number of cigarettes sold or offered for sale in such sale exceeds 1,000 cigarettes, provided that this penalty against any retail dealer shall not exceed $25,000 during a thirty-day period.

c.In addition to any penalty prescribed by law, any corporation, partnership, sole proprietor, limited partnership or association engaged in the manufacture of cigarettes that knowingly makes a false certification pursuant to section 5 of this act shall, for a first offense, be liable to a civil penalty of at least $75,000, and for a subsequent offense a civil penalty not to exceed $250,000 for each such false certification.

d.Any person violating any other provision in this section shall be liable to a civil penalty for a first offense not to exceed $1,000, and for a subsequent offense liable to a civil penalty not to exceed $5,000 for each such violation.

e.Any cigarettes that have been sold or offered for sale that do not comply with the safety standard required by section 4 of this act shall be subject to forfeiture under the provisions of N.J.S.2C:64-1 et seq.; provided, however, that prior to the destruction of any cigarette seized pursuant to these provisions, the true holder of the trademark rights in the cigarette brand shall be permitted to inspect the cigarette.

f.In addition to any other remedy provided by law, the director or Attorney General may file an action in Superior Court for a violation of this act, including petitioning for injunctive relief or to recover any costs or damages suffered by the State because of a violation of this section, including enforcement costs relating to the specific violation and attorney's fees. Each violation of this section or of rules or regulations adopted under this section constitutes a separate civil violation for which the director may obtain relief.

L.2007, c.86, s.7.