54:40A-47 - Findings, declarations relative to out-of-State cigarette sales

54:40A-47  Findings, declarations relative to out-of-State cigarette sales.

2.The Legislature hereby finds and declares that:

a.Currently, the federal Jenkins Act, 15 U.S.C. s.375 et seq., requires any person that sells or transfers in interstate commerce cigarettes into a state that taxes the sale or use of cigarettes to file certain information with the tobacco tax administrator of that state; and

b.According to the U.S. General Accounting Office, the Jenkins Act is rarely enforced by the federal government and is currently unenforceable by the states; and

c.As the sales of cigarettes to residents of this State by out-of-State sellers increase and the difficulties associated with the collection of sales and use taxes continue, there will be a steady erosion of the sales and use tax revenues that this State is able to collect;

d.It is, therefore, the purpose of this act to facilitate the collection of all applicable sales and use taxes on cigarettes sold to residents of this State and to enforce the Jenkins Act.
