54:40A-45 - Tobacco industry advisory council;  membership;  report

54:40A-45.  Tobacco industry advisory council;  membership;  report
    To advise and consult with the director and the supervisor in the administration and enforcement of the Cigarette Tax Act and the Unfair Cigarette Sales Act of 1952, there is established in the Cigarette Tax Bureau a  tobacco industry advisory council to consist of 7 citizens to be appointed by  the Governor for terms of 3 years and until the appointment of their successors.

    The members of the council shall be holders of, or officers of corporations  holding, cigarette distributor, wholesale dealer or retail licenses issued by  the State;  or representatives of such licensees.  The members of the council  shall serve without compensation.  The council shall organize annually by  selection of a chairman from among its members.

    The council shall report to the Governor and to the director and supervisor  at such times as it shall deem appropriate concerning the administration and  enforcement of the Cigarette Tax Act and the Unfair Cigarette Sales Act.

     L.1968, c. 351, s. 12, eff. Nov. 18, 1968.