54:40A-42 - Repealer

54:40A-42.  Repealer
    All acts and parts of acts inconsistent with the provisions of this act are  hereby repealed;  provided, however, that nothing contained herein shall be  construed to repeal the provisions of  "An act authorizing any city of the fourth class by ordinance, subject to referendum, to impose, in the municipality, certain retail sales and services taxes and providing for the collection thereof,"  filed April nineteenth, one thousand nine hundred and forty-seven (P.L.1947, c. 71), or of any ordinance adopted under the authority of said chapter seventy-one of the laws of one thousand nine hundred and forty-seven.

     L.1948, c. 65, p. 172, s. 706.  Amended by L.1948, c. 108, p. 567, s. 3.