54:4-99 - Adjustment of past due taxes and interest charges;  lien unaffected

54:4-99.  Adjustment of past due taxes and interest charges;  lien unaffected
    The governing body of a municipality may, subject to the provisions of section 54:4-100 of this title, make such abatement, revision, alteration, adjustment and settlement of any past due taxes, assessments and other municipal charges, both of principal and of any and all interest and penalties thereon, as it shall deem equitable and just and be for the best interests of the municipality, but none of the provisions of this section or sections 54:4-100 to 54:4-102 of this title shall in any wise affect or impair the right, title, interest or estate, or the lien of any purchaser, other than such  municipality, acquired under any sale made or to be made for past due taxes,  assessments or other municipal charges.