54:4-8.40 - Definitions 

54:4-8.40.   Definitions 


    As used in this act:


    (a)  "Income" means all income from whatever source derived including, but not limited to, realized capital gains except for a capital gain resulting from the sale or exchange of real property owned and used by the taxpayer as his principal residence, and on which he received a deduction allowed by this act, and, in their entirety, pension, annuity and retirement benefits.  For the purpose of claiming a deduction from taxes for any tax year, pursuant to this act, "income" shall be deemed to be equal in amount to the income which the taxpayer reasonably anticipates he will receive during the tax year for which such deduction is claimed and shall be exclusive of benefits under any one of the following: 

    (1)  The federal Social Security Act and all amendments and supplements thereto;


    (2)  Any other program of the federal government or pursuant to any other federal law which provides benefits in whole or in part in lieu of benefits referred to in, or for persons excluded from coverage under, (1) hereof including but not limited to the federal Railroad Retirement Act and federal pension, disability and retirement programs; or 

    (3)  Pension, disability or retirement programs of any state or its political subdivisions, or agencies thereof, for persons not covered under (1) hereof;

provided, however, that the total amount of benefits to be allowed exclusion by any owner under (2) or (3) hereof shall not be in excess of the maximum amount of benefits payable to, and allowable for exclusion by, an owner in similar circumstances under (1) hereof. 

    (b)  "Permanently and totally disabled" means total and permanent inability to engage in any substantial gainful activity by reason of any medically determinable physical or mental impairment, including blindness. For purposes of this subsection, "blindness" means central visual acuity of 20/200 or less in the better eye with the use of a correcting lens.  An eye which is accompanied by a limitation in the fields of vision such that the widest diameter of the visual field subtends an angle no greater than 20 degrees shall be considered as having a central visual acuity of 20/200 or less. 

    (c)  "Pretax year" means the calendar year immediately preceding the "tax year."


    (d)  "Post-tax year" means the calendar year immediately following the "tax year."


    (e)  "Resident" means one legally domiciled within the State of New Jersey for a period of one year immediately preceding October 1 of the pretax year.  Mere seasonal or temporary residence within the State, of whatever duration, shall not constitute domicile within the State for the purposes of this act.  Absence from this State for a period of 12 months shall be prima facie evidence of abandonment of domicile in this State.  The burden of establishing legal domicile within the State shall be upon the claimant. 

    (f)  "Deduction" means the senior citizen's deduction or the deduction for the permanently and totally disabled against the taxes payable by any person, allowable pursuant to this act. 

    (g)  "Tax year" means the calendar year in which the general property tax is due and payable.


    (h)  "Cooperative" means a housing corporation or association incorporated or organized under the laws of New Jersey  which entitles a shareholder thereof to possess and occupy for dwelling purposes a house, apartment or other structure owned or leased by the corporation or association; 

    (i)  "Mutual housing corporation" means a corporation not-for-profit incorporated under the laws of New Jersey on a mutual or cooperative basis within the scope of section 607 of the "National Defense Housing Act," Pub. L.76-849 (42 U.S.C. s. 1521 et seq.), which acquired a National Defense Housing Project pursuant to that act. 

    L.1963, c.172, s.1; amended 1964,c.255,s.1; 1971,c.20,s.1; 1971,c.441; 1972,c.6; 1976,c.129,s.2; 1989,c.252,s.1.