54:39-133 - Distributor's license

54:39-133  Distributor's license.

33. a. A person other than a supplier desiring to export fuel to a destination outside of this State shall first obtain a distributor's license.  Issuance of a distributor's license shall be conditioned upon the applicant holding an appropriate license to import the fuel into the destination state or states.

b.A person desiring to deliver dyed fuel or undyed fuel into this State on the person's own behalf, for the person's own account, or for resale to a purchaser in this State, from another state in a fuel transportation vehicle or in a pipeline or barge shipment into storage facilities other than a qualified terminal, shall first make application for and obtain a distributor's license.

c.A person desiring to import fuel to a destination in this State from another state, and who has not entered into an agreement to remit the tax imposed by section 3 of P.L.2010, c.22 (C.54:39-103) to the supplier or permissive supplier as trustee with respect to the imports shall do the following:

(1)apply for and obtain a distributor's license; and

(2)comply with the payment requirements of section 16 of P.L.2010, c.22 (C. 54:39-116).

d.A person blending any motor fuel for sale shall apply for and obtain a distributor's license.

e.A distributor's license is a prerequisite to making the election permitted in section 21 of P.L.2010, c.22 (C.54:39-121).

L.2010, c.22, s.33; amended 2010, c.79, s.20.