54:36-5 - Taxes on executory devises, contingent future estates, estates subject to power of appointment;  when payable

54:36-5.  Taxes on executory devises, contingent future estates, estates subject to power of appointment;  when payable    A tax on an estate for life, or on an estate for a term of years, levied and  assessed as directed by sections 54:36-3 and 54:36-4 of this title, shall be  due and payable as provided in section 54:35-1 of this title.

    All other taxes levied and assessed as directed in said sections 54:36-3 and  54:36-4, and all taxes on property which may be transferred to the residuary  legatees, heir or next of kin of a decedent, or which may revert to the heir of  a decedent by reason of the failure of a contingency upon which a remainder may  be limited, shall be due and payable within two months after the person  entitled to the property shall come into the enjoyment, seizin or possession  thereof, and if not paid shall thenceforth bear interest at the rate of ten per  cent per annum until paid.