54:30A-105 - Statement of liability from remitter due October 15

54:30A-105  Statement of liability from remitter due October 15.
41.  a.  Every remitter shall on or before October 15, 1998, and on or before October 15, in each year thereafter for years in which the transitional energy facility assessment is imposed, return to the Director of the Division of Taxation in the Department of the Treasury and the Board of Public Utilities a statement in such form, manner and detail as the director shall require showing the actual transitional energy facility assessment liability from January 1 through September 30 and estimated liability from October 1 through December 31 for the current calendar year.

b.On or before November 15, 1998, and on or before November 15 of each year thereafter for years in which the transitional energy facility assessment is imposed, the State Treasurer shall, with the cooperation of the Board of Public Utilities, calculate the percentage reduction, as may be applicable, in the initial TEFA unit rate surcharges or the calendar year 2001 TEFA unit rate surcharges based upon the formula set forth in section 67 of P.L.1997, c.162 (C.48:2-21.34) and the board shall report the amount of such reduction, if any, to the remitters subject to the transitional energy facility assessment.

c.Every remitter shall on or before February 1, 1998 file with the director a statement showing:

(1)The total public utility tax advance payments paid in the initial year pursuant to P.L.1940, c.5 (C.54:30A-49 et seq.); and

(2)The remitter's base year liability and each of the amounts described in subsections (a), (b) and (c) in the definition of "base year transitional energy facility assessment" in section 37 of P.L.1997, c.162 (C.54:30A-101).

d.For any remitter owning or holding both gas and electric facilities and conducting both gas and electric business in this State each of the amounts reported on the return required to be filed pursuant to subsection c. shall be allocated by the director between those operations in the proportion that the sum of the unit-based taxes bore to the whole of the unit-based taxes in the base year or such other allocation methodology as the director shall prescribe.

e.The statements required pursuant to this section shall be subscribed and sworn to by the president, a vice-president or chief officer of the corporation preparing each statement.  Any remitter refusing or neglecting to make the statements herein provided for shall forfeit and pay to the State of New Jersey the sum of $100 per day for each day of such refusal or neglect, to be recovered in an action at law in the name of the State and which, when recovered, shall be paid into the State Treasury.  It shall be the duty of the director to certify any such default to the Attorney General of the State who, thereupon, shall prosecute an action at law for each penalty.

f.The Director of the Division of Taxation shall audit and verify the statements filed by remitters whenever and in such respects the director shall deem necessary or advisable.  The director may require any remitter to supply additional data and information in such form, manner, and detail as the director shall request, whenever the director may deem it necessary or helpful, for the proper performance of the director's duties under this act.

g.The director may, by regulation, additionally require that all filings required for the calculation and certification of assessment to be paid by remitters established pursuant to this act shall be made in an electronic form.  The form and content of the electronic filing message, the circumstances under which the electronic filing message shall serve as a substitute for the filing of another return and the means by which remitters shall be determined to be subject to this electronic filing requirement shall be prescribed by the director.

For the purpose of this act "electronic filing" or "electronic filings" means any message that is initiated through an electronic terminal, telecommunication device, or computer for the purpose of fulfilling the reporting responsibilities set forth hereinabove.

L.1997,c.162,s.41; amended 2001, c.433, s.2.