54:30-2 - Corrections in errors in apportionment

54:30-2.  Corrections in errors in apportionment
    The state tax commissioner shall, upon proof or discovery of any clerical error or omission in the apportionment of the taxes, or any of them, imposed under the provisions of chapters 30 to 32 of this title (s. 54:30-1 et seq.), whereby the taxing districts in this state entitled to such taxes, or any of them, shall fail to receive their or its just proportion of such taxes, correct  the error, by reapportioning in the same year in which the error occurs if  proved or discovered prior to the distribution of such moneys on apportionment,  or by including in the amount of such tax apportioned to the respective taxing  district or districts in the succeeding year after the proof or discovery of  the error or omission, the amount of tax which was not paid and received by  reason of the error or omission, and by deducting from the apportionment made  to the several remaining districts which shall have benefited by the error or  omission, the amount so erroneously paid to it or them.

    The remedy for the correction of errors and omissions provided by this section shall be concurrent with and in addition to any other remedy now permitted or provided by law for such purpose.