54:3-17 - Ascertain ratio of assessments to value;  equalization table; copies to assessors

54:3-17.  Ascertain ratio of assessments to value;  equalization table; copies to assessors
    Each county tax administrator shall annually ascertain and determine, according to his best knowledge and information, the general ratio or percentage of true value at which the real property of each taxing district is in fact assessed according to the tax lists laid before the board.  On or before March 1 of each year, he shall prepare and submit to the county board an  equalization table showing, for each district, the following items:

    (a) The percentage level established pursuant to law for expressing the taxable value of real property in the county;

    (b) The aggregate assessed value of the real property, exclusive of class II  railroad property;

    (c) The ratio of aggregate assessed to aggregate true value of the real property, exclusive of class II railroad property;

    (d) The aggregate true value of the real property, exclusive of class II railroad property;

    (e) The amount by which the valuation in item (b) should be increased or decreased in order to correspond to item (d);

    (f) The aggregate assessed value of machinery implements and equipment and all other personal property used in business;

    (g) The aggregate true value of machinery, implements and equipment and all  other personal property used in business;

    (h) The aggregate equalized valuation of machinery, implements and equipment  and all other personal property used in business, computed by multiplying the  aggregate true value thereof by the lower of (1) that percentage level  established pursuant to law for expressing the taxable value of real property  in the county, or (2) the average ratio of assessed to true value of real  property as promulgated by the director on October 1 of the pretax year,  pursuant to chapter 86, laws of 1954, for State school aid purposes, as the  same may have been modified by the Tax Court;

    (i) The amount by which the valuation in item (f) should be increased or decreased in order to correspond to item (h).

    A copy of the table shall be mailed to the assessor of each district, and to  the Division of Taxation, and be posted at the courthouse, not later than March  1.

     Amended by L.1960, c. 51, s. 19;  L.1964, c. 141, s. 4;  L.1966, c. 138, s. 8,  eff. June 17, 1966;  L.1979, c. 499, s. 11, eff. Jan. 1, 1980.