54:3-10 - Administrator;  removal;  charges in writing;  notice;  trial; appeal

54:3-10.  Administrator;  removal;  charges in writing;  notice;  trial; appeal
    No county tax administrator who has heretofore acquired, or shall hereafter  acquire, tenure pursuant to the provisions of R.S. 54:3-9, shall be removed  from office except for just cause, as provided in section 54:3-9 of this Title,  and after a written charge or charges of the cause of complaint shall have been  preferred against him, signed by the person making the charge, and filed with  the president of the county board of taxation, and, after the charge has been  publicly examined into by the board, upon such reasonable notice to the person  charged and in such manner and examination as the rules and regulations of the  board may prescribe. Every county tax administrator against whom a charge for  any cause may be preferred hereunder, shall receive a fair trial upon the  charge and have every reasonable opportunity to make a defense thereto.  An  appeal from a determination of the board may be taken to the Director of the  Division of Taxation by filing a written petition for review within 45 days  from the date of the board determination.

     Amended by L.1944, c. 189, p. 697, s. 3;  L.1979, c. 499, s. 7, eff. Jan. 1, 1980.