54:29A-73 - Payment and returns for 1941

54:29A-73.  Payment and returns for 1941
    The commissioner is hereby authorized and required to accept, without interest or penalty, returns of information and payments of taxes for the first  year in which this act is operative within the times specifically limited  therefor, or at any time within thirty days after the effective date of this  act, whichever date is later.  In the first year for which this act is  operative, valuations made by the commissioner for that year under chapters  nineteen through twenty-nine, inclusive, of Title 54 of the Revised Statutes  shall constitute the basis of property assessments under this act. Nothing in  this section shall be construed to relieve any taxpayer of any requirement of  payment or collection of taxes other than by temporary extension of time  necessitated by the enactment hereof, after the respective dates for action  required hereunder;  provided, however, that, for the purpose of adjusting the  taxes levied for the year one thousand nine hundred and forty-one in accordance  with the provisions of this amendatory act, the commissioner is hereby directed  to recompute and relevy, in accordance with the provisions of this amendatory  act, the franchise tax for the year one thousand nine hundred and forty-one  against each railroad system, or railroad not part of a system.

    Said recomputation and relevy of the franchise tax shall be made by the commissioner within fifteen days after the effective date of this amendatory act, and within five days thereafter he shall (1) serve upon each taxpayer a statement of the total amount of franchise tax payable under said recomputation  and relevy, setting forth the manner of computation thereof; and (2) report  and certify all such recomputed and relevied assessments and the statements  thereof to the State Comptroller.  The several statements of the franchise tax  so recomputed and relevied shall be recorded in books kept in the office of the  State Comptroller to be provided by him for that purpose and shall be public  records open to public inspection;  and such record of such recomputed and  relevied franchise taxes shall constitute the final assessment of franchise  taxes payable by each taxpayer for the year one thousand nine hundred and  forty-one.

    The State Treasurer and State Comptroller are directed to credit against the  amount of franchise tax for the year one thousand nine hundred and forty-one so  recomputed and relevied by the State Tax Commissioner, the full amount of  franchise tax which may have been heretofore paid by any railroad system or  railroad not part of a system pursuant to the provisions of the act of which  this act is amendatory or of any act amendatory thereof or supplemental  thereto, and if the amount of any such franchise tax so heretofore paid shall  exceed the amount of the franchise tax so recomputed and relevied by the  commissioner pursuant to the provisions of this amendatory act, the excess  shall be credited upon the tax next legally levied against and payable by such  railroad system or railroad not part of a system.

    One-half the receipts from the franchise tax for one thousand nine hundred and forty-one as recomputed and relevied hereunder shall be by the State Comptroller allotted to and paid over to the taxing districts in the proportion  prescribed in section twenty-four-a of the act hereby amended; and the  Comptroller shall transmit to each county treasurer a certificate showing the  amounts so allotted to the taxing districts therein, and shall, on or before  the tenth day following the date upon which said franchise taxes so recomputed  and relevied for one thousand nine hundred and forty-one are payable, draw and  transmit his warrant upon the State treasury in favor of the several county  treasurers, for the amounts so allotted to their several counties.  Each county  treasurer shall forthwith pay to the collector or other proper officer of each  taxing district the amount so allotted thereto. The amount thus paid to the  county and taxing district shall be at the disposal of the proper authorities  for public purposes.

    Nothing in this amendatory act, or in the act hereby amended, shall be construed to deprive any interested party of the right of review of said relevied franchise taxes in the manner now provided by law.

     L.1941, c. 291, p. 796, s. 73.  Amended by L.1942, c. 169, p. 516, s. 4.