54:29A-2 - Definitions

54:29A-2.  Definitions    As used in this act, unless the context clearly requires a different meaning:

     "Railroad"  means any common carrier by railroad engaged in, owning or constructing facilities for, the transportation of persons or property in or through this State, other than a street railway or traction company using or occupying the public streets, highways, roads or other public places, the taxation of which is otherwise provided by law.

     "System"  means any independently operating railroad which operates its facilities and those of one or more other railroads as a single utility for furnishing transportation service.  A system shall include all companies the property of which is so operated either by virtue of control through direct or indirect ownership of a majority or more of capital stock, or under lease, trackage rights or under any other form of contract, and for which separate operating accounts are not maintained.

     "Main stem"  of a railroad means the roadbed not exceeding 100 feet in width, as measured horizontally at the elevation of the base of the rail, including the full embankment or excavated area, with slopes, slope ditches, retaining walls or foundations necessary to provide a width not to exceed 100 feet at base of rail, together with all tracks, appurtenances, ballast and all structures erected thereon and used in connection therewith, but not including passenger or freight buildings erected thereon.

     "Tangible personal property"  means the rolling stock, cars, locomotives, ferryboats, all machinery, tools and other tangible personal property of a railroad company, and also the locomotives and cars not belonging to such railroad company but built for its use and actually used in this State, or run under its control in this State by a sleeping car company or other company; but the rolling stock of other persons or corporations temporarily used on any such road, but not forming part of the equipment of such road, shall not be included in the term.

     "Taxpayer"  shall mean any person, railroad or system subject to taxation under the provisions of this act.

     "Facilities used in passenger service"  means land, stations, terminals, roadbeds, tracks, appurtenances, ballast and all structures used in connection with rendering passenger service, including signal systems, power systems, equipment storage, repair and service facilities.

     "Commissioner"  or  "State Tax Commissioner"  means the Director of the Division of Taxation in the State Department of the Treasury.

     L.1941, c. 291, p. 774, s. 2.  Amended by L.1948, c. 40, p. 114, s. 2; L.1966, c. 139, s. 1, eff. June 17, 1966.